Social Language Skills

What are Social Language Skills?

Social communication or pragmatic language skills involve the use of language in everyday situations. Social skills are needed for both language expression and the understanding of both spoken and written language. A child with social skill challenges may have difficulty using language for different reasons (ex. Informing: “I’m going to get a snack” vs. Requesting: “Can I have a snack?”), changing the type of language required for the listener or situation (ex. Talking differently to a friend than to a teacher), or following rules of conversation (ex. Staying on topic or taking turns when talking). Difficulty with social skills may be a distinct language issue or may co-occur with other conditions (Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), traumatic brain injury, aphasia, and/or dementia).

Group Based Social Language Skills Therapy Session

Social Skills Therapy

Speech-language pathologists at Oxford Speech Plus offer both individual and group based interventions that focus on enhancing social skills. Sessions incorporate both explicit teaching of new skills as well as semi-structured practice with clinicians and/or peers in order to carry-over new learned skills. The team at Oxford Speech Plus excel in making therapy both educational and enjoyable for your child. If you think your child or teenager has difficulty with social skills, call Oxford Speech Plus to book an assessment or consultation session.